
NEW for 2025!

JDW Personal Tax Calculator 2025 using Composite Tax Rates 2025, from May 2024 Budget.

This is an Excel format spreadsheet showing the personal income tax rates and independent earner tax credits.


Reverse Mortgage

Mortgage details

Current value of home
Initial lump sum required
Payments required each month
Monthly fees
Upfront costs
Loan interest rate
Estimated increase in home value


Basic Loan Repayments

Loan details

Loan amount

Loan A

Loan term
Interest rate
Repayment frequency

Loan B

Loan term
Interest rate
Repayment frequency

Loan C

Loan term
Interest rate
Repayment frequency

Loan D

Loan term
Interest rate
Repayment frequency


Loan A

Periodic payment $

Total cost of loan $

Loan B

Periodic payment $

Total cost of loan $

Loan C

Periodic payment $

Total cost of loan $

Loan D

Periodic payment $

Total cost of loan $

Extra Repayments

Loan details

Loan term Loan amountInterest rateRepayment frequency

Extra contribution

Extra monthly repaymentsStart extra repayments at


  1. Current repayments $
  2. Updated repayments $
  3. Original total amount $
  4. Updated total amount $
  5. Interest you will save $
  6. Time you will save
  7. Updated loan term

Lump Sum Payment

Loan details

Loan term Loan amountInterest rateRepayment frequency

Lump Sum Payment

One-off lump sum paymentLoan term


  1. Current repayments $
  2. Original total amount $
  3. Updated total amount $
  4. Interest you will save $
  5. Time you will save
  6. Updated loan term

How Long to Repay

Loan details

Loan amountInterest rateRepaymentsRepayment frequency


  1. Loan term
  2. Total interest payable $
  3. Total cost of loan $

Principal & Interest / Interest Only

Loan details

Loan term Loan amountInterest rateRepayment frequency Payment type


  1. repayments $
  2. Total interest payable $
  3. Total cost of loan $

Split Loan

Loan details

Loan term Loan amountPayment frequency Fixed portionFixed term Fixed interest rateVariable interest rate


During Fixed Period

  1. Fixed repayments $
  2. Variable repayments $
  3. Total repayments $

After Fixed Period

  1. Total ongoing repayments $


  1. Total interest payable $
  2. Total cost of loan $
  3. Total interest payable if loan was at variable rate only $

Complete Loan Comparison

Loan details

Loan term
Loan amount

Loan A

Bank name
Fixed rate
Fixed period (months)
Ongoing rate
Upfront fees
Discharge fee

Loan B

Bank name
Fixed rate
Fixed period (months)
Ongoing rate
Upfront fees
Discharge fee


Loan A

  1. Fixed monthly repayments $
  2. Ongoing monthly repayments $
  3. Total repayments $

Loan B

  1. Fixed monthly repayments $
  2. Ongoing monthly repayments $
  3. Total repayments $

How Much Can I Borrow?

Loan details

Loan term
Interest rate

Gross Income 1


Gross Income 2


Untaxed Income


Rental Income


Other Loans

Car loan repayments per month
Total credit card limit
Number of dependants


  1. You can borrow up to $
  2. Monthly repayments $
  3. Total interest payable $
  4. Fortnightly repayments $
  5. Weekly repayments $

What Can I Afford To Borrow?

Available funds

Current rent


Cash surplus


Discretionary spending


Loan details

Loan term
Interest rate
Repayment frequency


  1. You can affort to borrow up to $
  2. repayments $
  3. Total interest payable $

Remaining Balance

Loan details

Loan term
Loan amount
Fixed rate
Fixed period (months)
Ongoing rate
Remaining balance after


  1. Fixed monthly repayments $
  2. Ongoing monthly repayments $
  3. Total repayments $

Bi-Monthly Calculator

Loan details

Loan term
Loan amount
Interest rate
How many monthly repayments have you already made?


Monthly repayments

  1. Repayments $
  2. Interest saved $
  3. Time saved $
  4. Total $

1/2 Monthly paid fortnightly

  1. Repayments $
  2. Interest saved $
  3. Time saved $
  4. Total $

1/4 Monthly paid weekly

  1. Repayments $
  2. Interest saved $
  3. Time saved $
  4. Total $

Millionaire Calculator

When will you become a millionaire?

This calculator shows you how long it will take you to reach a savings target.

1 3% is a good rate of return.

2 Inflation, is around 7%.
Note:  Inflation is currently high, choose whatever rate you wish, but we think 3% is fair as an average

You may change the rate of inflation and the rate of return to what ever rates you think will apply over the number of years you select.
We suggest rates between 3% and 5%.

3 Similarly the $1m is our default wealth goal. You can change this to whatever final figure you want.

4 You may change the rate of return to any value you like

Income Tax Calculator

Tax details

Please select which period you would like to calculate your taxable income for:

Please note: Income tax threshold rates changed part way through the 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 financial year. The composite 2025 financial year tax rates and thresholds are reflected in this calculator. Visit the IRD website for a full list of rates by financial year.

Please enter your Taxable Income, ie. Gross Salary:


Tax Bracket
Tax Rate Total Tax
Acc Earners' Levy
Net Income

Per Annum:

Per Week:

Per Fortnight:


15% GST Calculator


Car Lease

Lease details

Purchase price
Interest rate
Payments made


  1. Monthly payment $
  2. Total cost $


Savings details

Saving term
Initial amount
Deposit amount
Deposit frequency
Interest rate


  1. Total amount at end of term $
  2. Total amount deposited $
  3. Total interest earned $

Achieve My Savings Target

Savings details

My savings target is
Initial deposit
Interest rate
Savings frequency
Saving term


  1. Weekly instalments required $
  2. Total interest earned $
  3. You will reach your target in
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